Buyer Persona Masterclass

Discover how to flood your sales pipeline with the ideal “made just for you” prospects you want–ones who are ready, willing and able to buy

Enroll Now – Special Complimentary Invitation

As part of sales process expert and author Marylou Tyler and McGraw Hill’s Predictable Prospecting book launch, you’re invited to attend…

Buyer Personas for B2B Sales Professionals Video Masterclass: THE ONE THING that stands between you and predictably “making your numbers”

Enroll now! Limited Opportunity!

How to Attract The Kind Of Business You REALLY Want

Some customers really ARE better than others.

Can you pick them out of a crowd? Could you single them out on tradeshow convention floor?

If you talked to one, would you be able to distinguish between them and the time-wasters?

Once you know sales process expert Marylou Tyler’s Buyer Persona secrets, you’ll understand your prospects and customers at a deeper, more empathic, more intuitive level– allowing you to provide them the often overlooked things they want and need to make a buying decision in your favor.

What Motivates a B2B Buyer?

As a participant in Buyer Personas for B2B Sales Professionals 5-day Video Masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • What keeps your prospects and customers up at night… indigestion in their bellies, staring at the ceiling…


  • Your prospects and customers’ goals and dreams. Not just business goals and objectives, but things they secretly desire most. (Secrets they won’t tell their closest friends)…


  • What your prospects and customers are silently TERRIFIED of…


  • What your prospects and customers are angry about and WHO they’re angry at


  • What your prospects and customers’ major problems, challenges and frustrations are…


  • Unspoken questions and objections your prospects and customers may not even know they have…


  • PRECISELY how your prospects and customers make large purchase buying decisions–revealing the unspoken network of individuals that directly or indirectly influence that decision…

You also learn…

  • 3 Ways to turn well-researched Buyer Personas into your BEST customers…
  • Craft proposals, deal points, promotions, offers and incentives that prospects LOVE
  • Discover their secret agenda…


  • Drive the conversation and send targeted messaging THAT LANDS…


  • Begin to appreciate your prospects and customers’ language and jargon. Know the specific words they search on in Google. Understand the “voice of customer”
  • Empathize with your your prospects and customers’ “buyer journey”
  • Understand the motivation and psychology of your buyer, which is at the heart of creating compelling content…
  • The latest business-boosting tools Marylou shares with her corporate clients to ensure them a predictable pipeline of business…

Enroll today, and your attendance also includes:

  • The sales breakthrough-generating chapter on Crafting Ideal Buyer Personas–from Marylou’s new book Predictable Prospecting (Sales teams everywhere are calling her book “the new Predictable Prospecting Playbook”)…
  • Ready-to-use worksheets, templates and cheat sheets to start crafting your predictable prospecting Buyer Personas today…
  • PDF of the 57 Buyer Persona Tips–you’ll be the hero when you share it with management and sales team members…


This is a time-sensitive opportunity. Because this video masterclass is being conducted as part of Marylou’s new book launch, the invitation may be withdrawn at any time.

Don’t miss out! Enroll now while you can…


Who else wants more prospects, customers and clients like these?

  • They don’t even think of haggling over price…


  • Yes, while they may have a budget, they’re more than willing to pay for value…


  • It’s easy to develop trusting relationships…


  • The negotiating process is predictable and drama-free–and the outcome favorable to both sides…


  • Always pushing the envelope: they’re eager to help you beta test, innovate and improve your product…


  • They understand the intrinsic value your product delivers…


  • They’re always on upgrade list…


  • They don’t need much hand-holding…


  • Like attracts like: maybe best of all, they recommend and refer you to their colleagues and even competitors…


Imagine if you could predictably fill your pipeline with prospects like these?




This targeted training is especially designed for sales executives, from Account Executive to VP of Sales.


However, curious marketing professionals may also attend this masterclass and learn from a seasoned sales process veteran on how to craft ideal Buyer Personas that work specifically for the sales team…