Complimentary Courses

A speedy-course designed to help you assess & evaluate your pipeline for prospecting (top-of-funnel).
Skill Level: Green ⬤ [Novice]
Examine the 8 assessment steps for building a consistent prospecting pipeline.
What outcome you can expect
Each step has a corresponding workbook section to complete. If you complete the workbook, you are well on your way to confidently planning, and eventually building, your own unique pipeline for prospecting - one that is structured to maximize your return-on-effort (ROE).
Course ID: GTPP-101 (SC)

7-Healthy Phone Habits To Get More First Meetings
A skills speedy-course designed to help you get more meetings with prospects.
Skill Level: Green ⬤ [Novice]
Examine the 7 telephone habits for getting more first & follow-up meetings.
What outcome you can expect
Each step has a corresponding workbook section to complete. If you complete the workbook, you are well on your way to confidently planning meaningful conversations that get more meetings and move your prospects more swiftly through the pipeline. You’ve worked hard to get people to respond to your inquiries. Don’t bungle your sales conversations because you fail to properly prepare.
Course ID: 7HAB-101 (SC)
Seven Prospecting Telephone Tips
E-mail replies are showing up in your in-box. They’re in your targeted accounts. Or, you mapped into your target account, found-the-right-person and are working on scheduling your initial meeting. Or you have your hands on a highly scored lead from Marketing and you are trying to follow-up. Are you stalled? Stuck? Blocked? Not advancing the
Why Predictable Prospecting over Predictable Revenue?
Today it’s my turn to be interviewed by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing. A fast & furious 20-minute radio show where Matt & I talk about sales enablement, sales process, and how, together with our friends in Marketing, we craft compelling conversations to speed up the velocity and quality of our sales pipeline. Speed and
Avoid Bungling Your First Call With A Prospect
Recently I was interviewing Tim, a busy, business development rep, as part of my assessment for a new client. Tim confided in me that his first calls were not going as well as he had hoped. Although he had names and titles of people to call, and did his research, he was not able to